Sunday, January 29, 2012

Don't Forget the Dinero...

Hey, Team!

Many of you have paid your $20 entry fee for our friendly contest, but if you haven't yet, please give it to either me or Ted anytime this week. If that doesn't work for ya, just send us an e-mail so we know when you'll be able to mail or bring it by. Thanks, and happy losing!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Calorie Counting

Hi everyone! I thought I'd chime in with some praise and motivation as we are getting close to the one month mark. I love being around people that are motivated to be healthy. It keeps me excited about being healthy. However, have you started to notice the numbers of people at the gym are getting smaller and smaller? I hope we wont' see that happen in our group here! I love seeing the results of all your hard work and discipline. There are some serious losers in this group! 

I've come to a realization recently. I can't stand the idea of dieting. I think the crux of my disdain that they rarely lead to real, permanent change. It seems to me that a diet that doesn't result in a lifestyle change that can be sustained indefinitely is a cruel way to punish ourselves emotionally. 

With that idea in mind it shouldn't be a surprise then that I'm a lazy person by nature. I prefer to take the simplest route to a conclusion. This inherent laziness led me to an experiment to find the simplest method to lose weight. I know that weight loss really boils down to the simple equation of (calories in - calories out). So I tried to find the most simple method of achieving a calorie deficit each day.

Calorie counting is the simple solution I'm testing out right now. Simply tracking the calories I take in with no change to what I'm eating, how often I'm eating and no change to my workout routine. The process takes me an extra 5 to 10 minutes each day and I can get it done while waiting in a line, riding in a car or while pondering the meaning of life on the toilet. The result has been kind of a surprise to me. I'm losing weight! I think the difference maker is that I think about what I'm eating more often than I did before. This makes it easier to refuse the second helping of lasagna or cake. I also find it easier to eat an apple or broccoli for a snack instead of a Zinger because I know the fruit will fill me up on fewer calories. I think I just may have found my simple solution.

So who's counting calories as part of their routine? Is that all you are doing? Is anyone losing weight without an exercise routine? I'd love to know what is working for everyone and how you are implementing it. Especially from our allstars like Amy, Diana, Larry and Lindsay who are posting some amazing numbers. Keep up the good work everyone! I love that we are all doing this together and seeing real success!

If you are interested this is the website I'm using. They also have an app for your phone.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We're getting full, and keep up the hard work!

There's two things I'd like to mention tonight.
First, I wanted to point out that this competition has already exceeded my wildest expectations as far as participation goes. We now have 28 registered competitors, which means that the winner will receive $448, 2nd place gets $84 and 3rd place gets $28. I know that's pretty far from the quarter million that the winner of the TV show gets, but hey, we're on a budget!

I think that we're about full - I would prefer to not go over 30 participants, just because I can't keep up with everybody otherwise!

Second, I wanted to mention just how powerful your motivation and encouragement is to your fellow competitors. Just tonight, I was feeling very tired, sore from my first workout yesterday, and I just wanted to stay on the couch. I also would have seriously considered killing a fellow human being just for a small piece of chocolate. Amy set a good example for me by going to do her workout, then she encouraged me to do the same when she got home. Just that simple act got me up off the couch and into the gym!

Make sure to lift each other up, and don't forget to get out there yourself!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Track your exercise!

Hey everyone, here's a tip that has helped me out a TON in the past.
Use something to track your exercise. There are a ton of systems, programs and websites out there to do it, but I've found that I like
It's totally free, and once you set up an account, you can integrate it with Facebook. You can have followers/friends who help give you motivation through the site, but you can also share your workouts on Facebook and get lots of moral support from people who care about you!

It allows you to enter in any kind of exercise, but it is stellar at biking and running workouts. You can use a google maps like interface to enter in your routes, and save them for later if you use the same route more than once. It will calculate your distances for you, and if you keep your time, it will tell you your pace.

Tracking your exercise gets it right out there in front of you, and keeps it in your focus. You don't have to guess how much you have exercised this week, because it has it all for you!

If you are thinking about joining, add me as a friend:

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Couch to 5K

One of the best ways to ensure you stick with this is to set a goal of running in a 5K race. (3.2 miles) Trust me, you don't have to be a fantastic athlete to participate in a 5K. Many people participate in them and walk the course, but since we're working on overall fitness and weight loss, setting a goal of running a 5K is not only achievable for each participant, but I highly suggest it!
There are some good programs out there, you need to find one that fits your schedule and abilities.
Couch to 5K:
Couch to 5K, treadmill version:
A different Couch to 5K:

If you alternate the workouts listed in those links with some good cross-training or weight lifting workouts on off days, you'll feel a dramatic difference in just a few weeks! All for around 30 minutes a day of working out. If you feel that you just can't find the 30 minutes, think of it from the other point of view: can you limit your other activities to 23 1/2 hours a day?

Sign up for an upcoming race! Like this or this! If you let me know about it, I'll sign up too and join you!

Nuts and Bolts

Hi everybody!
Welcome to our own Biggest Loser competition! I hope that we are all able to encourage, inspire and challenge each other over the next 3 months into making the necessary lifestyle changes to all be healthier!

Here's the nuts and bolts:
- You weigh in each week on either Sunday or Monday.
- Use the same scale each week.
- Wear the same clothes each weigh in.
- You may want to weigh in around the same time each week, as that can affect your numbers.
- After you weigh in, round the number up or down accordingly, and enter it into that week's "Weight" column in the spreadsheet. After next week's weight entry, the other columns for the week will begin to fill in automatically.
- The spreadsheet is locked down so only participants can access it.
- The winner will be decided based on the largest total percentage of weight loss between now and the end date.
- We might just have some prizes for the "weekly" winner based off the largest percentage loss that week.
- I will be adding everyone as collaborators to the blog for this competition. Please feel free to share encouragement and tips on the blog!
- We will be collecting the entry fees by the end of January.