Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We're getting full, and keep up the hard work!

There's two things I'd like to mention tonight.
First, I wanted to point out that this competition has already exceeded my wildest expectations as far as participation goes. We now have 28 registered competitors, which means that the winner will receive $448, 2nd place gets $84 and 3rd place gets $28. I know that's pretty far from the quarter million that the winner of the TV show gets, but hey, we're on a budget!

I think that we're about full - I would prefer to not go over 30 participants, just because I can't keep up with everybody otherwise!

Second, I wanted to mention just how powerful your motivation and encouragement is to your fellow competitors. Just tonight, I was feeling very tired, sore from my first workout yesterday, and I just wanted to stay on the couch. I also would have seriously considered killing a fellow human being just for a small piece of chocolate. Amy set a good example for me by going to do her workout, then she encouraged me to do the same when she got home. Just that simple act got me up off the couch and into the gym!

Make sure to lift each other up, and don't forget to get out there yourself!


  1. There's no reason you can't do both. Just account for all the calories, both from the chocolate consumed and those burned in the process of killing the human being. Ideally they'd offset. Just to make the math easy. :o)

  2. Wow--I can't believe we have 28 participants!! AWESOME!!! How's everybody doing? We're at the end of day 4 if you started on Sunday like the Reids did. I'm learning a lot--like eating the right foods to feel full longer, having small snacks every few hours so I can still enjoy food, and more.

    The best feeling for me was last night. I went to the gym and ran 2 miles (well, I ran/walked alternately, since I am out of shape), and it felt GOOD--I actually enjoyed myself! I cranked up the tunes and the stress of the day was gone.

    Now I only hope the scale on Sunday will show my efforts... (sigh)

    We can do this, guys!! GO, TEAM!!!! BE LOSERS!
    :) AMY
